Tag: Huizar

  • Developer in Huizar bribery case is sentenced to six years

    Developer in Huizar bribery case is sentenced to six years


    A federal judge on Friday sentenced a downtown Los Angeles real estate developer to six years in prison for providing cash bribes to former City Councilmember Jose Huizar, then attempting to hide the transaction from investigators. Dae Yong Lee, who also goes by David Lee, was found guilty last year of giving $500,000 in bribes…

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  • Developer convicted of bribing ex-L.A. Councilman Jose Huizar

    Developer convicted of bribing ex-L.A. Councilman Jose Huizar


    Jose Huizar developed a curious habit as a Los Angeles city councilman: He would give stacks of $100 bills to his wife, mother or brother. They in turn would write him checks or pay his bills. The three of them confirmed Huizar’s suspected money laundering in testimony before a federal jury over the last week.…

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