Tag: Racism

  • Blaxit: Tired of Racism, Black Americans Try Life in Africa

    Blaxit: Tired of Racism, Black Americans Try Life in Africa


    Jes’ka Washington lives in a six-bedroom house on a hill with avocado trees and a spectacular view, not far from the rabbit farm she runs. For less than $50,000, Shoshana Kirya-Ziraba and her husband built a four-bedroom, two-bathroom house on family farmland with goats, turkeys and about a thousand chickens. Mark and Marlene Bradley now…

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  • Hundreds protest Chicago Tribune editorial they say spread anti-Palestinian racism – Chicago Tribune

    Hundreds protest Chicago Tribune editorial they say spread anti-Palestinian racism – Chicago Tribune


    More than 100 people protested outside the Chicago Tribune’s West Town office Saturday afternoon, claiming the paper’s editorial board spread anti-Palestinian propaganda in its editorial criticizing the City Council and Mayor Brandon Johnson’s handling of a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The Chicago Coalition for Justice in Palestine rallied outside the Tribune’s…

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  • Remote work gave a reprieve from racism. They don’t want to return

    Remote work gave a reprieve from racism. They don’t want to return


    As LeRon Barton weighed his options, he realized what he had to do. If he took a pay cut of $5,000, he could have a fully remote tech job that would let him roam the country and give him the flexibility he craved. Or he could keep his salary and stay at his current job…

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  • Shooting In France Shows US Is Not Alone In Struggles With Racism, Police Brutality

    Shooting In France Shows US Is Not Alone In Struggles With Racism, Police Brutality


    A police killing caught on video. Protests and rioting fueled by long-simmering tensions over law enforcement treatment of minorities. Demands for accountability. The events in France following the death of a 17-year-old shot by police in a Paris suburb are drawing parallels to the racial reckoning in the U.S. spurred by the killings of George…

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  • John Roberts Keeps Wondering Why We Aren’t Done With This Whole Racism Thing Already

    John Roberts Keeps Wondering Why We Aren’t Done With This Whole Racism Thing Already


    Morning Memo comes to you today from London. Greetings, TPM readers in the UK! Gonna try to be low-key about the July 4 holiday while here … History Is Not For Amateurs The Supreme Court was caught trying to do historying again without proper supervision. The result is an ahistorical mess of a decision on…

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  • Nick Fury Teaches the Skrulls About Racism

    Nick Fury Teaches the Skrulls About Racism


    In honor of the de-aging the studio will bring us with Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Disney used the same technique in this week’s episode of Secret Invasion. If Lucasfilm is given the gift of CGI, Marvel can have a little wrinkle-smoothing effect as a treat too. There’s enough available…

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  • UK Village Marks Struggle Against US Army Racism In WWII

    UK Village Marks Struggle Against US Army Racism In WWII


    BAMBER BRIDGE, England (AP) — The village of Bamber Bridge in northwestern England is proud of the blow it struck against racism in the U.S. military during World War II. When an all-Black truck regiment was stationed in the village, residents refused to accept the segregation ingrained in the U.S. Army. Ignoring pressure from British…

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  • ‘Starbucks racism’ fame led to DEI project. It was canceled

    ‘Starbucks racism’ fame led to DEI project. It was canceled


    Few know the names Michelle Saahene or Melissa DePino. But millions have heard the beginning of their story. They were witnesses at a Philadelphia Starbucks five years ago when two Black businessmen asked to use the restroom and a white barista called police, who led the men away in handcuffs. “They didn’t do anything!” Saahene…

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  • Harris visits ousted Tennessee lawmakers as Republicans accused of ‘overt racism’ | Tennessee


    Kamala Harris made an urgent trip to Nashville on Friday to meet with two Black Democratic lawmakers expelled from the state legislature for their role in in a peaceful protest calling for gun control in the aftermath of a school massacre, an unprecedented act of retaliation that sparked accusations of overt racism. The Republican-controlled legislature…

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  • Two Real Estate Agents Say Racism Was Part of the Culture at Brokerage


    A real estate agent, who is white, is suing his former employer in part because he says he was fired for speaking up about the treatment of his colleague, who is Black. Source link

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