Tag: Smoking

  • British prime minister: Keep calm and stop smoking

    British prime minister: Keep calm and stop smoking


    LONDON —  For many under-18s in Britain, it’s a rite of passage: loitering outside the corner store, mustering the pluck to try and buy a package of cigarettes without their underage status being detected. But under a proposal this week by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, those now 14 or younger would never be allowed to smoke…

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  • Can I Make My Super Stop Smoking in My Building?

    Can I Make My Super Stop Smoking in My Building?


    Q: The superintendent in my Manhattan prewar co-op building smokes all day long in his basement office. Smoking is not permitted in public spaces in the building, and all of the storage lockers that are just outside his office are constantly in smoky air. Anything we put in our storage locker will reek of cigarettes.…

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  • Natasha Lyonne Talks Poker Face, Quitting Smoking, Feminine Characters

    Natasha Lyonne Talks Poker Face, Quitting Smoking, Feminine Characters


    You’ll have to forgive Natasha Lyonne if she’s irritable today. She just quit smoking, which is no small feat for someone who’s so synonymous with the habit that there’s an Instagram account dedicated to the coolness of her taking a drag. “I’ve been putting it off for so long,” she tells me, pointing to the…

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