Tag: wetlands

  • Supreme Court limits EPA protection for wetlands

    Supreme Court limits EPA protection for wetlands


    WASHINGTON —  The Supreme Court on Thursday limited federal protection for millions of acres of U.S. wetlands, ruling for property rights over clean water. In a 5-4 decision, the justices said the Clean Water Act does not forbid developing marshy areas or dry creek beds because water does not flow regularly and directly from them into…

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  • Indiana wetlands amendment would strip protections, worsen flooding issues – Chicago Tribune

    Indiana wetlands amendment would strip protections, worsen flooding issues – Chicago Tribune


    A last-minute attempt by Indiana legislators to redefine wetlands and strip state protections via amendment to an unrelated sewage bill could exacerbate flooding issues, reduce the number of wetlands, and flies in the face of recommendations in a state-commissioned wetlands report, critics say. The bill passed the Indiana House 62-31 last week and heads back…

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